Join the growing number of dentists who use and recommend The Natural Dentist.
Healthy Gums rinse has been clinically proven to kill germs as well as Peridex*. It has no alcohol, will not stain teeth or impair taste.
Healthy Gums Reduces Gingival Bleeding…
% Reduction of Gingivitis and Gingival Bleeding-3 months
J of Clinical Dentistry, Vol 9 No 2, 1998
…And Kills Germs as well as Peridex®
% Reduction of Bacteria
J of Clinical Dentistry, Vol 9 No 2, 1998
Peridex® is a registered trademark of 3M Company Corporation.
Here’s How One Top Dentist Uses The Natural Dentist Healthy Gums Antigingivitis Mouth Rinse
These post-op instructions for veneers were designed and recommended by Dr. Larry Rosenthal, NYC.
What Dentists and Patients are Saying About The Natural Dentist®
I’ve found a great-tasting, all-natural rinse that equals Peridex in germ killing and tops it in every other way.
– Dr. Dean Vafiadis, NYC
I have treated many patients undergoing chemotherapy and have seen the benefits of using The Natural Dentist Healthy Gums Mouth Rinse. I recommend it to all of my patients.
– Dr. Susan Calderbank, Greenville, PA
Healthy Gums Mouth Rinse is the best non-prescription option for fighting gum disease.
– Dr. Michael Apa, Associate Professor, NYU New York, NY
I had terribly inflamed gums with a lot of bleeding when I flossed. My dentist gave me a bottle along with a specific plan she wanted me to follow. I saw a difference immediately. I went back to the dentist two weeks later and my gums were completely healed. I no longer have bleeding. I love the product. It does “not” burn, it has a pleasant taste (Peppermint Twist) and its amazingly soothing. I will never go back to the regular/harsh mouth washes on the market. I plan on using this for life.
– Beejay, New York
This stuff is amazing. I’ve had chronic gum problems all of my adult life, and this clears up inflammations before they have a chance to get serious– even in Thailand, where it helped me keep an abscess at bay until I got back to the States and my trusted periodontist. He was impressed, too!
– Anonymous
Peridex® is a registered trademark of 3M Company Corporation
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