Our All In One toothpaste puts everything we know about how to make the perfect toothpaste in one form. The result is a product that is unlike anything on the market today.
What makes this toothpaste so different is all the things it doesn’t have… no saccharin, no artificial flavors of any kind, no artificial dyes, and no Sodium Lauryl Sulfate (SLS)! We are particularly emphatic about that last ingredient (SLS) because so many of the other brands that label themselves natural seem to have made an exception for this chemical.
We do, however, make one exception with the use of sodium fluoride in the All In One formulation. It’s there on the strong recommendation of our dentist friends and because there is no effective, natural substitute when measured by its ability to fight cavities and strengthen tooth enamel. (For those of you who disagree with us on this issue, we make a non-fluoride version as well. )
Fair warning: because there’s no SLS, our toothpaste won’t “suds” up the way most others do. And you won’t feel as much of the same “tingle” after brushing that you’ve been trained to associate with cleanliness. But if you’re like most of our customers, in a few weeks you’ll forget about the suds and the tingle and start to think this is the way toothpaste should be. And you’ll be right.
Active Ingredient
Sodium Fluoride (0.24%)
For a complete list of ingredients, click here
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